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Dual Camera Simultaneous Acquisition


  • Two cameras connected to system
  • Cameras in each channel are physically different
  • Minimum of two channels configured
  • Feature values compatible between channels e.g. TIRF Laser position, Light source output port

Capturing two Channels simultaneously on two cameras is done by Linking the Channels together in the Protocol.

  1. Create two Channels using different physical cameras (refer to Creating a Channel)
  2. Ensure channel feature values are the same e.g. TIRF Laser position, Laser output port
  3. Ensure resolution of each Channel is the same e.g. iXon Ultra 888 is set to 1x1 binning and Zyla 4.2P is set to 2x2 binning
  4. Add both channels to a protocol (Adding a Channel to a Protocol)
  5. Within the Protocol Channel Area, link the channels together stating Master/Peripheral relationship using the Link button:
  6. The two channels will be linked. If the link is not successful the issues to resolve will be shown within Problem Notification tab.

Steps 4 to 6 are covered in the video tutorial, Adding Channels to a Protocol.mp4.

This operation also works with pairs of Channels - for example, a pair of Channels could be linked if they both use the same dichroic position and a different camera, and another pair of Channels that use another dichroic position.

In the example below, Channels 2 and 3 both use the same dichroic (perhaps a 500 nm longpass) but different cameras. Channels 1 and 4 use another dichroic (perhaps a 600 nm longpass) and different cameras. This will result in Channels 2 and 3 being captured at the same time, then Channels 1 and 4 being captured.

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