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Through Series Analysis

Performing a Through-series Analysis

This topic shows how to use the Through-series Analysis functions.

In the current version of Fusion, ROIs (Regions of Interest) or Overlays are not supported for Through-Series analysis.

  1. Navigate to the Analysis panel.
  2. Select Show through-series Analysis
  3. Select the required settings e.g. Time Series or Z-stack.
  4. Click Start Analysis
  5. The graph is displayed:

Above: Through-series Analysis Graph view 

To view the data as a table with statistics, click the more button (bottom right). Use the scroll bars to scroll across through the statistics data.

 Above: Data table and Statistics view

Viewing Options

If you modify the overlay or settings, click Start Analysis to refresh the data if auto-analysis is not enabled. There are a number of options for viewing the image data. You can change how the data is displayed in the following ways:

Display using Logarithmic scaleView the graph using a log scale.
Show a graph per channelThis shows a separate graph for each channel used in the image.
Show legendThis shows a legend beside the graph(s) for each channel.
Always Auto RangeAutomatically scales the graph based on the data. When this is disabled you can use the mouse buttons to pan and zoom the scale and the graph plot. Auto Range can also be used in manual display mode to do a single-shot scale to fit data.
Max and MinUse the Min and Max option buttons to plot the through-series for the max or min values of the series.
BackgroundChange the background colour for the graph from the palette and advanced colour options.
Filter Outlier PixelsUse this option to filter pixels within the top and bottom 1% ranges.
Adjust Graph AxesThis button enables min and max values for the X and Y axes to be entered.

Exporting the Graph and Data

There are two options for exporting the graph from the Through-series Analysis graph. With the graph displayed the export buttons are located to the top right:

Export graph view to clipboardUseful for pasting the graph into another document.
Export graph view to an image fileFor saving the graph as an image file (jpg, png or bmp formats).


To export the data, click the more button to view the data as a table.

Copy to clipboardUseful for pasting the data (and image metadata) into an other document e.g. Excel document
Export to fileFor saving the data as a .csv file for use in other applications
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