Available Options:
Drift Stabilisation Remains On.
Drift Stabilisation remains on if there is no moving to a new field or performing a Z scan.
Default: On
Use Strict Nyquist Calculation in Confocal Mode
Use a strict Nyquist calculation in confocal mode rather than a relaxed formula in confocal mode. This places a higher processing demand on the PC and results in more Z-planes being captured, so may not be suitable for light-sensitive samples.
Default: Off
Use Channel Trigger Mode in Live
By default, cameras are software triggered, meaning they do not require an external TTL signal to take a Snap or produce a Live image. If the camera has been switched to External Trigger mode, usually located in the Advanced section of the Channel Manager, enabling this option will result in the camera only producing an image in Live mode when it receives a TTL signal on its External Trigger input cable.
Default: Off
Create TeraStitcher Configuration Files for Montage
Enable TeraStitcher configuration files to be created for each Montage protocol to allow stitched images to be generated (TeraStitcher).
Default: On
Allow to skip acquired frame
Allows the application to skip frames when running a fast finite burst acquisition.
Default: Off
Restart Acquisition on Overflow Error
Forces the camera to automatically restart if it encounters a buffer overflow error. This only applies to scientific CMOS cameras where the high acquisition speeds may be too high for the PC.
Default: On
Simulation Device Communication Delay
Define the duration of a delay added to each simulation device feature change. This can be used to stimulate real hardware communication and state change delays. (This can be set from 0-1000)
Default: 0
Note that some changes made in preferences will not take effect until the application has been restarted.