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Welcome to Andor Technology’s Next Generation Scientific Imaging Software....Fusion

Fusion has been developed to provide a world class Microscopy software application to compliment its existing world class hardware. Fusion provides:

  • Industry leading User Experience - developed with customers for customers.
  • Unmatched Quality - built from the ground up to ensure stability.
  • High Performance - navigate and control hardware, capture and handle large datasets.

Fusion is a modular application providing image processing and analysis functions closely associated with acquisition and integrates with Imaris software as the preferred visualization and analysis platform. 

Since Fusion can control a range of experimental devices, including cameras, illumination controls, motorized stages and microscopes, sophisticated acquisition protocols can be easily setup and utilized.  The current range of supported devices is listed in section Introduction. Since this range is continually evolving please contact Andor Technology or your local agent to confirm support of new devices.

We are delighted that you have decided to use Fusion, and hope it will prove both powerful and easy to use.

Please see the Introduction in this section for the latest additions and improvements.

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