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Imaris is Bitplane’s core scientific software module that delivers all the necessary functionality for data visualization, analysis, segmentation and interpretation of 3D and 4D microscopy datasets. Combining speed, precision and ease-of-use, Imaris provides a complete set of features for working with three- and four-dimensional multi-channel images of any size, from a few megabytes to multiple gigabytes in size. Conveniently load, process and visualize data and images acquired from almost any confocal and wide field microscope to gain new and ground breaking insight from your image data.

  • Premier Volume Rendering
  • Surfaces, Segmentation and Interaction
  • Spots, Segmentation and Interaction
  • Interactive, Intuitive; Navigation and Selection
  • Smart Handling of Huge Images

Data from Fusion can be exported and further analysed using the analysis tools available from Imaris. The Open in Imaris option is available from File Management if Imaris is installed

For more information on Imaris please visit

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