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File Management

Manage Files

Image files are easily managed through the Fusion File manager using the open and export options.

By default, Fusion will acquire all images in IMS format and store them in the Root folder defined in the File Manager Preferences.

List of recent images

Recent images may be viewed as a list, thumbnails or tiles for ease of access.

Hovering over an image will show a tooltip and also the location of the file on the computer.

Opening Image Files

The following image formats are supported:

  • Bitplane: Imaris, ims

To open an image in the Recent Images list:

  1. Select an Image in the recent Images list
  2. Click Show Selected to open (alternatively double click an image to open)
  3. If an image is already open you will be prompted to save it to avoid losing image data.

It may also be possible to Open In Imaris to open in Imaris for image analysis- if Imaris (available separately) is installed.

  1. Select an Image
  2. Click Open in Imaris
  3. Imaris application (if installed) launches
  4. The selected file opens in Imaris in Surpass.

If this button is greyed out / inaccessible, it could be that either Imaris is not installed on the system, or a version has been uninstalled. Running the Imaris installer and selecting "Repair" should resolve the issue. 


To export an image (remember that Fusion acquires all data to IMS files in the Root directory, therefore Exporting is usually only necessary to save a file as another file type):

  1. Select an Image and open it (Show Selected or double-click)
  2. Click Export (this will export the current image only)
  3. Enter a File Name
  4. Select the file type (file format) (OME TIFF is the default export file type)
  5. Set the file location to export the file to
  6. Click Save

Deleting Image Files 

To delete an image in the Recent Images list:

  1. Select an Image in the recent Images list
  2. Click Delete Selected to delete it (alternatively select an image and press delete)
  3. Fusion will ask if the file should be deleted from the computer or only removed from the list of images.

File Details

At the bottom of the screen, the details of the file can be seen. 

Clicking View Image Details will open an additional window, showing all of the metadata.

This data is automatically saved as a .txt file in the Root folder when the image was acquired. In this window, the usual Windows shortcuts of CTRL-A (Select All) and CTRL-C (copy) allow the data to be copied to the clipboard. Alternatively, clicking and dragging allows a limited selection of data to be selected.

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