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Creating a Z Scan Protocol

Take caution to ensure that the motorised stage will not collide into the microscope objective when navigating using software control.

Setting The Scan Mode

  1. Select the Protocol type as Z-scan in the Type drop-down box.
  2. The Z scan settings appear (note that the Z scan settings will also be displayed in the remote panel for easy reference during acquisition).
  3. Use Piezo Z for Scans. If the system is fitted with both a piezo and microscope Z, this will toggle between which device is used for Z scans. The piezo is much faster, but has a limited range. Default: ON
  4. Select the Scan Mode as either:
    1. Start/End  
    2. Centre/Size

Start/End Scan Mode

Define the Z scan by setting the start and end positions of the scan separately. Note - When using the piezo as the Scan device in a Multi-Field Protocol, the stack will always be centred. When using the microscope, the stack will start at the Ref. Z position if the stack has been defined using Start/End. The stack will be centred if it has been defined using  Centre/Size. See also Adding Fields.

  1. Select the Scan Mode - Start/End
  2. Find the start of your sample and set scan start
  3. Find the end of your sample and set scan end

Centre/Size Scan Mode

Define the Z scan by defining the size of the scan.  Define the centre of the acquisition first then by adjusting either start or end markers an overall scan size is defined.

  1. Select the Scan Mode - Centre/Size
  2. Locate the centre of your sample using the current position slider
  3. Adjust the sample size using either the start or end sliders
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