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Creating a Time Series Protocol

Time Series (Time Repeat) Options

The following options are available:

  • Interval
  • Frequency
  • Fastest
  • Repeats
  • Duration

Creating a Basic Time Series Protocol

  1. Select Time Series from the Type drop-down box.
  2. Enter a suitable name for the Protocol in the Name field.
  3. Expand the Time Repeat section.
  4. Select a mode and define a value, one of:
    1. Interval       (set the minimum time between each repeat)
    2. Frequency  (set the max. rate at which repeats are performed)
    3. Fastest       (set the protocol to run at the fastest possible rate)
  5. Select and define a value for either:
    1. Repeats      (run a specific number of repeats)
    2. Duration      (run protocol for a specific time)

For both the "Interval" and "Duration", the units can be specified by typing the following:

ms = millisecond

s = second

m = minute

h = hour

d = day

For example, typing "1d" in the Duration and "1h" in the Interval will result in "24" being shown in the Repeats.



Adding an Outer Repeat

  1. Click on the Add Outer Repeat link (the previous Time Repeat now updates to an Inner Repeat).
  2. Select a mode and define a value, one of:
    1. Interval
    2. Frequency
    3. Fastest
  3. Select and define a value for either:
    1. Repeats
    2. Duration


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