Application Bar
Application Bar
The Application bar (shown below) lets you navigate between the following areas:
Access the Fusion Help. Fusion features an on-line help facility that enables access to the most up to date help content. If you do not have on-line access, help information is still available off-line.
Current User
The current Windows user. To change users, close Fusion and log in to Windows as a different user. See the Multi-User section for further details.
Access the main imaging functions for your experiments including the channel, protocol and image acquisition and analysis controls. For further information please refer to Imaging.
Device Hub
Search, add and manage the available and active devices and their settings. For further information, please refer to Device Hub.
View and modify settings for the display, file manager, navigation settings, protocol, rendering and speech options. For further information, please refer to Preferences.
To see a show video tutorial for the Application Bar click, Application Bar Overview.mp4.
The application bar also displayed the name of the user currently logged in.