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Display Preferences

Adjust display options:

Enable DropShadowEffect on UI Controls

Turn drop shadow effects On or Off for some of the UI controls.

Default: On

Enable panel flip animation

Enable or disable panel flip animations when switching between panels. 

Default: Off


Fill Overlays

Set overlays to only show an outline (Off) or use a translucent fill effect (On).

Default: Off


User Interface Zoom

Use the User Interface Zoom Slider, or manually enter a zoom value, to shrink or magnify the on-screen display.

Default: 100%


Select the Language

Change the language used in Fusion.

Default: English


Region Intensity Histogram Overlay mode

Manage how pixels within overlays are used in region intensity histograms.

  • One per overlay - separate data sets
  • Group overlays - combine overlays into single data set

Default: One per overlay


Note that some changes made in preferences will not take effect until the application has been restarted.


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